donderdag 30 september 2021
woensdag 29 september 2021
walking (paper)
For week two of Shelley Rhodes workshop I made a "walk-strip"
inspired by photos of a SC member in Australia
who walked along the beach there.
This strip was far more abstract in mark making
and mainly made of different bits of paper
but also snippets of fabric
The strip was cut up and then
lots of tiny bits were added to make a new composition
trying little bits,
dinsdag 28 september 2021
The last two week took me walking
and mark-making
Shelley Rhodes
gave a wonderful workshop that I liked very much !
But because my legs (knees) are not what they once used to be
my walk was just a small "around-the block" kind of walk
that's why I thought of a special way to depict that "block"
by making a square instead of the
suggested long strip.
After preparing and drawing my marks
with different materials
I could start adding stitch
which resulted in my final piece
that I then framed in a deep frame with glass on both sides.
I added some real alder seed cones
in the middle.
The fun thing is that in Dutch
the alder tree is called "els"
so what better way to make this really mine
woensdag 15 september 2021
Stitch Club
is keeping me busy
. . . . .
There are so many lovely members
in this stitching community so that is really half the fun !!!
Then there are great textile artists
who share with us some of their techniques and inside secrets
and who are willing to guide us
in our own process
giving encouragements and tips !
I haven't regretted it a bit
taking part in Stitch Club !
The previous two weeks were again
for Ali Ferguson
who taught us how to make a book (from scratch)
but now showed how she made a "memory-story-piece"
I first finished another very small piece
for the Jean Draper workshop !!!
Though I wasn't too keen on Ali's start with
mind mapping, I gave it a try
and ended up with a piece about my garden
(instead of "the kitchen")
stretched over a canvas !