zondag 30 januari 2022

better . . .

It's always best when you make something
to leave it, standing alone
where you can see it from time to time
. . . . .
Often you know after a while
that there is still something
that need to be added,
or altered.

I was not totally satisfied
with my print-and-stitch collage.
The white tissue paper with the printed twig
was definitely too white
and drew the eye too much

So today
out came : my wonderful, much loved Karisma pencils !

(ohhhhh I'm still so sad that they don't make them anymore
and so many pencils (of the 72) are so very short !!!)

Done ! and with an extra bit of sunshine
to see the stitching better !

Now and then, next to each other

donderdag 27 januari 2022

stitching again

After so many days (weeks) of felting
I thought it was time for some Stitch Club work again !

Another wonderful artist
Monique Day- Wilde
gave her best in a SC workshop !

It took me some time to clear all the wool bits off my work table
because this workshop started with paint !

We all made a lot of prints
(with plants or with anything else)
and made a collage
that I later stitched on

The really fun part was choosing colours
for the stitching after the composition
was finally (!) to my liking
(MAKING the collage took quite some time
and squinting what print was best where !)

(couched threads)

The collage, before any stitching was done

What a fun workshop !
Definitely something I will explore more in the future ! 

woensdag 12 januari 2022

result of the raffle

drum roll
. . . . .

my very late giveaway of last year's blogaversary
(eleven years of blogging)




(all the names of comments here and on FB)

(all folded and in the bowl)

(and this name "jumped" out !)

Easy this time :
no need to send it with snail mail
because Madelon lives close by !

maandag 10 januari 2022

vrijdag 7 januari 2022

fiber Friday

Such fun felting these !


dinsdag 4 januari 2022

new work

I started this year with some felting.
The end of last year I got the Lily-necklace workshop
of Anikó Boros as a present.
I've admired her beautiful work for quite some time.
(I think she learned a lot from Judit Pócs)

(I knew already how to embed stones in felt
and then made my own version, just trying to figure out a lot
But it was not as "clean" as I wanted it
so this present was a welcome excuse to start all over again

First I did a simple necklace using a lot of small pebbles
and another one with a pendant with one stone,
but just now I made the one I had been thinking about,
for my firekeeper daughter !

I'm very happy how it turned out !
(More so because I made a major mistake when I made the last "coat"
and nearly couldn't open up the golden stone inside !!!)

A LOT of work, but totally worth it !

for a wonderful workshop !