vrijdag 27 februari 2015


Ahhhhh  February almost over
and colour is never far away.
This week, when I saw again the strips I cut some years ago
I felt an itching to use all those lovely "left overs"

Lots and lots of strips, 3,5 cm wide
arranged like a rainbow

Two boxes in fact ánd some new strips ...
because when you start thinking about a new piece

it turns out you don't have the "right" colour

As long as I have the "Glorious Patchwork" book
by Kaffe Fassett, I loved the quilt
that's adorning the cover,
but never came around using that particular pattern,
untill now !

A loose arrangement with what I have so far
(squares of about 30, 15 and 7,5 cm)

Many more blocks will be made

(and yet more strips to cut)

This is what I needed all the strips for in the first place !

You have to be very neat with the stitching
but in fact it's not thát difficult
because you're working on a grid (1 cm)
printed on interface 
( vlieseline  rasterquick )

And that it's the end of February
is showing in the garden too !

After the winter aconites and the snowdrops :
there are the small irises
(ha, each year there are móre !)

donderdag 19 februari 2015

mommy ...

After the first one 
there HAD to be another one

This one is quite a bit bigger than my first chameleon
so this must be Mommy !
(she's far cleverer with colours,
so she múst be the older one ...)

Here are "mother and child" together

I forgot to tell last time, 
that the "plan" to make such a beast
came from the wonderful CATS pdf 
that Gabi ("Filzkram") made
(in the end it doesn't really matter what kind of animal you make !)

The making of mommy

Though everything seemed all right in the end,
she really had some trouble standing up.
(I didn't make her legs strong enough ... grrrr ...
yes, lots to learn still,
so I made some wire adjustments
which I normally don't use !)

But ....
I can assure you :
she is a very sweet creature !

zondag 15 februari 2015

not a mouse .....

Here is the solution of the riddle

Ha  ! 
A very colourful beast

I'll show you the steps how it came to this.

After the first "mousy" bit, I attached the tail and a crest,
and the tricky bit : the legs
Because the feet were a bit too big, I just cut some bits off.
(this doesn't matter because I had to add another layer of wool)

Just like a real chameleon
he slowly changed colour !

till he was ready to dry
(Mmmmm ... silly beast, thought Bella)

Daughter continued too with a new project
after we took some new pictures of the (now dry) hat

This will be a jacket

zaterdag 14 februari 2015

valentine ... and a riddle

Daughter has been here yesterday and today
to do some serious felting.
When you are busy like that
it is always a treat to have dinner together.
After the hat that she wanted to make
was well on its way
we cooked together.

The desert was made of the leftover dough
of the pie

Beet root pie with lots of goat cheese
(and some other vegetables I had in the refrigerator)

The last layer of the hat

Still not completely dry, but ready for the photo

And because felting is such fun
I started something of my own in the kitchen.

what would that be 

Any  ideas ?

zondag 8 februari 2015

little red hearts

After I made the little blue wet felted hearts
I made some red too.

Slowly slowly
are they being stitched,
some beads added and a loop
for a (key) ring

This one will be on its way soon
(to where ? that's still a surprise,
someone will find it in her mailbox)

The first one finished and the second one also nearly done

Two sides of the second one

I think, next I will be assembling the parts
for a necklace.
I made these bits months ago
(when I was making the "rainbow pots")
but never came to finish it.

I'll have to make a felted cord
and then stitch it all together
with some beads probably and embroidery.

maandag 2 februari 2015

2 - 2 - 15 ..... felting excange

I know, I know,
I was late (again)
But I already phoned Helma,
telling her that the little felted piece "HEARTS" would arrive soon.

When the (postcard size) piece for her was dry
I could start with the embroidery
which  (as I 've said before)
is really fun on felt !!!

Because I chose turquoise/blue for the piece
I thought it was nice to embroider with contrast colours.

The whitish hearts btw are made with cotton batting
under silk chiffon, which works like a resist.

I was in fact too late sending my piece,
I tried to make it up to her and made something extra :

(When the little extra heart was finished with a key ring
I was so eager to send it all off 
that I forgot to make a last picture)

I hope she likes it.

In fact making the heart was so much fun 

that I couldn't resist making a few more
