Many people thought this to be a special date :
it was said in the news that all available places
for getting married today were taken !
so they all can easily remember what day they married !
(don't forget the flowers next year !)

(maybe some lovely snowdrops ?)
For me it was just a normal Tuesday
with daughter and two kids over for dinner
like any other Tuesday.
A bit cold and windy, but most of the time dry :
a perfect day for some reading and stitching
for the second week of Julie B Booth's workshop.
Because I'm reading "The Wheel of Time",
I thought the "Dragon Reborn"
would do nicely as a design for it.
(I'm more into reading the book than waiting for the video :
they always alter things that I like . . .)

The background is a bit of
"break-down printing" with procion dye
and white silk organza on top.
I would have rather stitched this with the machine
but that one is still in repair (!) so hand stitching it is.
*Because I mostly stitch in front of the window to the garden
I was lucky enough to see those lovely
long-tailed tits !
we hardly ever see them in the garden,
only in winter sometimes.

But two of them visited many times
once they'd discovered the seed filled pine cones !!!
Such cute little birds !!!