vrijdag 22 juli 2022

changes in the house . . . 22 - 7 - '22

has it been so quiet here for so long ?

. . .

Hmmmm, sometimes life takes over
and then there is no time for any creative work :
we got a NEW KITCHEN !

First, slowly but steady,
taking out all the stuff that was collected
over more than 25 years
(and I can tell you that was a lot :
sifting through it all, what to keep
and what to give or throw away)

The next step was to disassemble the old kitchen
and preparing the space for the new one !
(by our all-time favorite able handyman !)
Some old tiles that were still there, and the gas pipe
needed to be removed and a lot was done for better electrics.

The new cabinets and oven and induction cooker
arrived later that week and
we fled the house for the weekend !

The next week started with a quiet day
and then some workman came to install
the new kitchen.

That went all just fine until
. . . . .
it turned out that someone from the kitchen store
(ha, luckily not me !)
took wrong measurements
and one part of the countertop was
2 1/2 cm TOO SHORT !!!

That means :
we're now have a wonderful kitchen,
without ant new tiles and no windowsill
AND have to wait till the end of September
till everything will be as it must be !!!!!

Right now it looks a lot more lived in
but a picture of that still fails


Hmmmm    I had to learn how to cook again !
(induction is a lot different from gas cooker)

4 opmerkingen:

  1. (((Els))) I looked after a friend's cat for 10 days recently who had just renovated her kitchen, had to go out to eat as I didn't know how to cook with all the modern new appliances!

    1. Haha ((Mo)) We could eat with daughter, went out to eat and were away for the weekend ! Now I'm slowly getting used to the new stuff :-)

  2. What a fine new kitchen that is, but how annoying about those 2 1/2 cm and such a long wait. I hope we get an update when all is fully installed, and perhaps a series on "what not to do with your new induction cooker". We are planning the same culinary migration here, but fortunately I am not responsible for food. Mind you, I am usually responsible for "technology". I anticipate some heated discussions (pardon the pun!!)
    So glad all is well and that your absence was due to practical rather than health problems x

    1. Thanks Kat ! In fact it went all rather smoothly (because I started weeks earlier to remove the stuff and the preparation by our own worker went really well)
      Well : DON'T use a pan that isn't spotlessly clean at the bottom !!! (we learned that the hard way) And be careful to use the "power" touch only when cooking water : it heats up sooooo quick ! I studied and chose my own brand of kitchen appliances after studying this special site where they compared various cookers (and ovens) And there were some good you tubes explaining the use (by "normal" people ;-) So good luck to you ! Now I can go back to a bit of stitching !
      Take care Kat !
