maandag 1 juli 2024

wild marathon

I was in time !
I know it's now already July
but two days before the end of the challenge
I finished it :
Yara's  BIBABO Wild Marathon.

June was a special month (again)
because there was not only a letter
but it had to be something of the floral part of life :
a flower, a tree, lichen or even a fungus !
And, like always,
executed in any creative way you come up with !
(though I love to make something with wet felting)

(Lady's slipper, Cypripedium calceolus)

Orchids are very rare in temperate regions
and ask specific circumstances to grow.
I remember that I saw one of these flowers as a child
on holiday in the Alps, it was stunning.
And I always remembered !!!

It took some serious thinking how to make it.
The way we made stems in a "VKG" workshop by Saar Snoek
was just what I needed for this.
I also used some pre-felt for the dark leaves

It's always fun, when everything comes together just fine !

This was "June"
on to number three for July
. . . . .

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