woensdag 4 september 2024

un-perfect 10 grams

First : the Art Market in Baarn was


 and therefor not very successful
. . .

This was around 12  o'clock when we had just started,
but it quickly became very warm and
though there were enough lovely people to talk to
and some sweet customers too, it was not a great success.
(it was a looong lazy afternoon !)


Today was again the day for our zoom meeting
to show what we made for the challenge this time.

The task was to include a foreign object
that had to be included in the 10 grams (!!!)
and some kind of contrast.

I thought about a spool for machine thread
but in the end (really just today !) I decided on a
scouring pad
(NO, don't ask me where the idea for that came from ???
because I really don't know !
The scouring pad weighed about 3(+) grams
so that left less than 7 for the wool !

Because I wanted to stack them up
I made three resists out of bubble wrap
(15, 10 and 6 cm squares)
and had to lay out the wool very thin.

Halfway through the stacking process
I doubted if it all would work (as often happens . . .)

But it did !

Like a small cake !

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Herrliche Skulptur. Wunderbarer Geistesblitz mit dem
    Schwamm . Dein Kommentar dazu gefällt 😁 mir.

    1. Danke dir Angela ! Ich weiss wirklich nicht woher das kam : bin überhaubt keine "Putzfrau" !!! :-D
