woensdag 30 oktober 2013

another one ....

The "felting exchange" (viltketting
with the ladies I met at Sara Lechner's workshop
that lasted a full year and ended last August,
was a lot of fun.

So, when I stumbled on another one
a bit different, but nevertheless a felting exchange,
I didn't hesitate long to participate.
For the tenth time (!)
Tanja, of the "Amore Fecit" blog, organizes this.

She asks you to make a felted item 5 times
(the theme is FLOWERS this year)
and send them to her, 
with a description how you did it, so that others can learn from it.
In the end you get 5 different items 
and a booklet with all the descriptions !
What a fun idea is that !!!

Though I had a lot of other thing planned
I started right away with a proto-type
and than I made the other ones.

The little ball I did with a felting needle first, so I could fasten it to the "stem" more easily

Voilá : a little bell shaped flower
with a key ring inside
(for a very special key, or, if you don't like that,
you can still use it as egg warmer ... ;-) ...)

They are all dry now and ready to send them to Tanja


donderdag 24 oktober 2013

let's fly away

I know,
it's still a long time ...
but my first angel is ready to fly away.

In the last photo 
you can see very well what the embellisher does :
the fibres of the yellow triangles migrate 
through the blue wool ánd the dotted fabric to the back

"Catching stars"

Some Noro yarn was needle felted with the embellisher,
some stitches and French knots with self striping sock yarn,
a bit of magic thread
and twelve very old mother-of-pearl buttons
complete the work.
( 20 cm x 20 cm )
Later on I will sew it on a painted canvas.

In the garden I found something odd / special :
at least four years ago I bought ánd planted some saffron crocuses
To my regret I never saw any of them !

untill today !!!
Here was  one  saffron crocus
and another, withered one, I apparently missed !

When I picked that one up :

it stained my fingers bright orange !!!
(hmmmmmm ... probably not enough to eco-dye ???)

zaterdag 19 oktober 2013


The technique on my new embellisher
isn't going very smooth yet
but I like it 
(though it's still a lot of trial and error)

tiny clippings of  felt will be incorporated
in the needle felted piece

Sara Lechner suggested synthetic felt and burn it with a soldering iron,
but I have only 100% woolen felt
(that's what I like best)
and I used a very old "buttonhole scissors"
that was once my mother's.
(Ohhhh .... I admire Rob Ryan's paper cutouts even móre now) 

Here it is : 
with the screw you can even adjust the length of the cut.

I started with the rusty squirrel 
and let the two angels wait a bit 
(there is still time for them)

Squirrel finished
(with magic thread in place)

woensdag 16 oktober 2013

new toy .... new exhibition

Ooooh ... it took me a   l o n g   time
but I finally bought 
an embellisher !

It's more than a year ago 
that I visited the workshop with Sara Lechner
She started as a quilter
but switched  to work with the embellisher
You can also use a simple felting needle
(or "Clover" felting tool)
but the embellisher does the job a lot easier !
It looks a lot like the simplest of sewing machines,
though you use no thread,
just wool rooving 
(and all kinds of other materials)

My studio assistant was having fun with the box ...

... and this swimming lady was my third try
(the first and the second ended up in the bin
hmmmm  ... I had forgotten much ...)
The size of this ??? ... very small
I usually photograph all things lying on the floor :
the boards are about 7 cm wide.

Onto the next

( broke the first needle ! there are five in the needle head ....
the needles have to be moving fast before you start moving your work !!! )

"mother and child"
machine or hand stitching is next

Tomorrow starts in Veldhoven, near Eindhoven, the show of the 

The author of our book "Art quilts in Nederland"
asked some of us to participate in another exhibition during the OEQC show.

The very talented collegue / friend Sary Maas 
brought her own work ánd my "I want to break free" pink torso to Veldhoven.
Man and me go to the show on Sunday 
and afterwards take the work home again.

vrijdag 11 oktober 2013

swap time

Yes, I did it again :
I asked someone if she fancied a swap with me

This time it was Lynne
We met in Blogland and also had some e-mail contact
(that way you can talk a bit more personal)

Some time ago
she made these lovely stitched pincushions
out of felt and woolen fabric
really sweet.

So we agreed on a pincushion against a mandala drawing

Two different sides ... and a lovely card 
(with some other work of Lynne on the front)

Here it proudly stands in front of my "Concertina" felted vessel

I was sóóóó glad I recieved an e-mail tonight
that my drawing arrived safely at Lynne's house
(she had been away and I already feared the package had gone missing)

I did my best to capture Lynne in the mandala drawing :
she plays the fiddle, loooooves (all kinds of) music,
has this wonderful hat when performing
and has a lovely garden
(and I heard "the Firebird" and it all came together)
A swap well executed


woensdag 9 oktober 2013

a winner !

Sorry, one day later than I told it would be 
but : 
there is a winner !

First the preparations : 20 names written on little pieces of paper,
then folding them together,
and out of the bowl jumped :


Please send me an e-mail with your address Nancy 
and the blogaversary piece will come your way.

Sorry, I have only one piece
but thank you to all the others for visiting and thus
encouraging me to keep blogging.

maandag 7 oktober 2013

pink October

October means to me, among others :
breast cancer awareness

Every day, many people, 
women, (but also man !)
will have their nasty encounter with breast cancer.
In the "Western" world one out of ten women, 
(sometimes even one out of eight)
must start their fight against this disease,
and, because medical science continues to improve,
they have a good change to survive
not everyone is that lucky
So it's very important to do that check-up every month girls !

I'm wishing everyone who is in this situation
(or has a loved one that is)
lots of strength and all the best !

Don't forget there is still a giveaway that you can "winn" :
I will draw a winner !!!!!

dinsdag 1 oktober 2013

October giveaway

( Ha, it's just after midnight here right now
so it's October !
"Down under" this new October day has already started,
Asia is asleep, and the America's are still busy in September )


I can hardly imagine that they have gone by so fast !

Well ..... no .... not really :
a lot of things have happened,
góód and some not so good,
but all in all  
three good years.

So here is all of my promised giveaway

" the last summer flowers sometimes remain until fall "

You can participate is this giveaway 
by leaving a comment to this post.
After the  next weekend I will draw a winner
and send it in the mail 
to wherever she or he lives

Just a photo to show you how big (small) it is.
I'll attach a piece of wire to hang it,
but if you prefer to use it as a bookmat for instance
it can easily be removed.

Good Luck everybody !