The "felting exchange" (viltketting)
with the ladies I met at Sara Lechner's workshop
that lasted a full year and ended last August,
was a lot of fun.
So, when I stumbled on another one
a bit different, but nevertheless a felting exchange,
I didn't hesitate long to participate.
For the tenth time (!)
Tanja, of the "Amore Fecit" blog, organizes this.
She asks you to make a felted item 5 times
(the theme is FLOWERS this year)
and send them to her,
with a description how you did it, so that others can learn from it.
In the end you get 5 different items
and a booklet with all the descriptions !
What a fun idea is that !!!
Though I had a lot of other thing planned
I started right away with a proto-type
and than I made the other ones.
The little ball I did with a felting needle first, so I could fasten it to the "stem" more easily
Voilá : a little bell shaped flower
with a key ring inside
(for a very special key, or, if you don't like that,
you can still use it as egg warmer ... ;-) ...)
They are all dry now and ready to send them to Tanja