dinsdag 31 juli 2018

forced rest

The last half of July has been quiet,
it has been a forced rest :
hardly any work has come out of my hands.
Pain high up in my back makes it hard to do any
felting, stitching, knitting, crochet ...
even cooking ..... (but Man is a great help !!!)

I have had backache before,
but most probably it was triggered this time
by all the heavy watering cans that brought my garden relief
in the HOT  SUMMER  DAYS !
(It's really too hot and too dry over here)

So the new necklace I had started earlier
is progressing  V E R Y     s..l..o..w..l..y 
Even sitting in a straight-back chair
I have to stop after one or two stitched beads ...
at last

Still need to make a closure.


Though it was most of the time too 
to come outside,
the garden was lovely in the morning these last few days.
Counting butterflies for the "Vlinderstichting"
for ten days, so they know in the end
a bit more, which butterflies go where ...
I was lucky :

a Swallowtail (Koninginnepage)
in our garden, a rare visitor !
(and I lucky, catching it like this !)

Despite the heat,
daughter has been very busy at her sewing machine !

is nearly finished !

(and a little trolley bag will be transformed
into "Toothless" )

YES, she's góód !


4 opmerkingen:

  1. (((Els))) x fingers your back heals soon, your new necklace is beautiful as is your swallowtail!

  2. Thanks ((Mo))
    (healing takes more time than wrecking ...)

  3. Wishes for feeling better very soon! Maybe very slow making will aid in the mending? Beautiful photos.

    1. Thank you ((Hazel))
      Ever so slowly getting better ...
