maandag 7 oktober 2013

pink October

October means to me, among others :
breast cancer awareness

Every day, many people, 
women, (but also man !)
will have their nasty encounter with breast cancer.
In the "Western" world one out of ten women, 
(sometimes even one out of eight)
must start their fight against this disease,
and, because medical science continues to improve,
they have a good change to survive
not everyone is that lucky
So it's very important to do that check-up every month girls !

I'm wishing everyone who is in this situation
(or has a loved one that is)
lots of strength and all the best !

Don't forget there is still a giveaway that you can "winn" :
I will draw a winner !!!!!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello, Els my dear!
    Saturday we had our annual 'Beat the Odds' race against cancer here in our town - very very well attended, and Flossy accompanied me. Such a serious cause, thank you for bringing awareness!

  2. Hallo Els,
    ik was in Februari één van die acht! Inmiddels geopereerd en bestraald, en nu langzaam weer aan het opkrabbelen. Veel ideeën voor viltwerk in mijn hoofd, maar dat komt nog niet uit mijn handen. Maar ik kijk vooruit!
