zondag 31 augustus 2014

colourful !!!

What would the world be without 

(Oh, but I do love an etching, or a pen drawing ...)

At some point when making art with colour
I realized I always somehow wanted to include 
all the colours of the rainbow.
(so the name of my blog is no coincidence either)

I also love brightly coloured shoes.
So when last week a dear friend visited us
and told me she bought some pink shoes ...
on top of that of our favourite brand ...
I went to town the very next day !

Ha, they still had a pair in my size !!!

(Mmmmm so soft, so they wear like slippers!)
When making my little felted pots
you might have noticed that each new pot 
had a different colour
After the last yellow/green one, with the "snail" on top, came :

a red one !

... and then ...

a green one, still in the making,

But now I have a full rainbow of 
"rainbow pots"

I love colour !

vrijdag 22 augustus 2014

a curl, a spike, a bead ...

In fact 
I should have been visiting a blogging-friend Yvette today ...
But, as there were some minor problems, 
we postponed the visit for a week
 looking forward to it !

So here are some other little "rainbow pots"
It's a lot of fun to think about the combination of colours.
Though a lot of it disappears,
some of the previous colours blend with the colour of the outer layer.

Then there's the choice 
what to put on top or the sides of the little pot

This one turned out to look like a starfish I think.
(I really like how the gradient on those tiny points turned out)

A bead on top or at the sides, a curl,

or a big bead on top ...
Every choice requires a different approach.

Oh yes : can't get enough of it !

This long spike will turn into a 

snail ?


And when daughter visits with her youngest
(and stays for dinner)
I get the best help there is !!!


maandag 18 augustus 2014

little pots

This summer days have been filled with sunshine
but the last few also with lots of rain.
When the sky is blue
I like to be outside

Looking up at the sky, I see how busy we are !!
Lots and lots of stripes,
so lots and lots of people in planes
going from here to there ...

(O, really ... the moon was much, much bigger when I saw it there !
Why is it that the moon always seems so small on a photo ?)

Mmmmm ..... I went inside and did some felting.

The things we learned at Judit Pócs' workshop two weeks ago 
are seeping through in my own things now.
It's good to be working on it 
so that it really gets into my hands and not only in my head.

What I'm making now are little pots (or pods ??)
Tiny pots you could even say
because they easily fit in the palm of my hand

O yes !!! I have to keep track of the front and the back !

This netting is great working with :
it prevents the loose fibers from shifting when I start felting !

Next try.
Always something new :
will I succeed ???

The second one is purple b.t.w,  not blue ...

And because another "market" is coming up on September 13
I will make more  

(later more   ;-)  !)

donderdag 14 augustus 2014

embroidery ... and exchange ( 14 - 8 - 14 )

After sewing some beads and doing a bit more stitching
on the "fire"necklace,
I started embroidering on "earth" with gold thread.

The big flat glass bead that's in the middle of the pendant
also has some golden shimmer in it.

Around all the "holes" I sewed golden seed beads

I love the way the pendant looks like a little woman :
mother earth  !

I also did the ends of the cord

Embroidery on felt is big fun
and variegated thread is one of my favourites :

a new brooch with button and beads felted in.


Today came another little felting piece of our monthly 

Something to hang, in red !
Isn't it wonderful that Jolanda also found a beautyful card
that goes soooooo well with it !!!

Lóve the light shining through 

THANKS  Jolanda ! 

dinsdag 12 augustus 2014

busy felting

Apart from some minor internet problems
(which are  -more or less-  solved now)
I've been busy felting
not to loose my touch with my newly learned "Judit"-skills !
I have my notes and some pictures
but, I need to practice too !

First I finished the red pendant,
made a necklace out of it : "fire"

Because it was fun, I dicided to start with some embroidery
(also took it with me on my Saturday Stitch'nBitch tour)
in order to finish it properly, 
it was on the wet table again ...
(well hadn't thought of thát before ...)
However, I found the perfect solution :

a plastic bag !
So I could easily finish it off now.

Next was felting the little bag
that will be part of a belt.

Still a lot to be done, but this bit is almost finished.

Then I had another idea, when I was thinking about the necklace I called "fire"

Wouldn't it be nice to make "earth", "water" and "air" too ??

Here is "earth" in the making with a fixed cord, and the pendant.

Finished "earth" 
(but when it's dry I need to start with the embroidery)

Today I did the last bits on the ring that was already nearly finished when
the weekend with Judit was over.

(maybe a bit posh, but I love the old, old button that was in my stash
from times when I went to Austria with my parents)

So, I made a brooch to go with it 
(with the same colours : orange red and magenta
but the picture isn't quite right)


The last thing I want to show is the lovely page I got
from my Challenge - partner Cathrina (UK)

front ...

and back
It was so much fun to see some bits I sent her during the Challenge
were in this piece  ;-)

And this crocheted "coffee pot" filled with flowers
was my gift for her.

(Ahhhh we're just waiting what Sara has in store for us again)

dinsdag 5 augustus 2014

what a pleasure !

Daughter and I went to a workshop at HAWAR
together with a dear UK friend (who lives in Holland)

As soon as I saw the announcement 
in the HAWAR news letter in spring that 

Judit Pócs

(from Hungary)
would be giving some workshops there
we started to make arrangements  to go !
Judit was one of the felting teachers
we definately wanted to go to
and now the opportunity came on our path !
We chose the 2-day jewelry workshop in the weekend

So early last Saturday morning we drove north to Oldeberkoop
(since we were early enough we could do a little shopping
in Meinie's wonderfully stuffed shop)

After coffee/thee and introductions we could start !
It was dicided we all would start with something small : a ring.
Judit explained the first steps 
and then everyone could start and try all the various little steps on their own.
(with lots of help from Judit if we weren't sure how to proceed)

Ahhhh ..... these wonderful strong and able hands !

All too soon 
it was time for the wonderful HAWAR lunch 
on the terras outside, because we had lovely sunny weather.

Lunch at HAWAR 
(this time prepared by Spanish Paco)
is always such a treat !

After lunch some continued the ring,
others started on a pendant or bracelet.

The three of us had a delicious dinner at Hotel Lunia 
after we brought our bags to the B&B.
Our homework was to make a design for what
we wanted to make the next day.

Some inspiration Judit brought with her

Our designs for pocket necklace/belt.

From the previous day we knew we had to work very hard
to be able to make a good start on our project.
There were so many little things you had to do 
before you could go on with the rest of the piece ...

felting is always thinking and planning ahead !!!!!!!

Well, it wasn't a big problem 
if the piece wasn't finished when we would be going home,
because we have been felting for quite some time now,
so know how to proceed ...
(in fact only one of us ladies had a really finished piece in the end)

Friend Jane worked really really hard,

daughter did finish the ring and little pocket here today,

my ring still needs some work, 
the little bag is nowhere near finished,
and the pendant (that I finished today) waits for 
embroidery and a cord with closure.

(it will be a "fire" necklace)

Lots still to do, but oh my,
what a load of new things we learned.

It was such a pleasure to have Judit for a teacher !!!!!
She's a great artist !


I bought Judit's lovely book, so I can enjoy looking at her work
and probably get even more inspiration
 to maybe incorporate in my own work.
