Some people might say that :
Blog-land isn't the real world .....
and that you should stick to friends nearer to "home"
I don't agree with that.
Of course I love my "real life" friends around the corner.
But a lot of times, people I encounter in Blog-land,
become friends,
just as good as the "real life" ones !
It's not the first time that such a Blog friendship/admiration
results in something special
like this swap.
(and it will probably not be the last either)
This time I had a swap with Jana
She makes such wonderful felted flower mandalas
and I love the way she writes
about all the things that move her
in her work and daily life.
Yesterday her package to me arrived
and I was very still after I opened it.
The most beautiful rainbow coloured flower mandala was in it.
And yet there was more
There was a lovely card, packets with seeds,
a smoke bundle of fragrant herbs,and some homemade fudge.
you made me very happy and privileged person !!!
Because little grandson was there when the package arrived
he loved to take part in the unpacking
and admiring the wonderful soft flower !
His dear knitted bear got a warm blanket
This was my part of the swap
The felted "Earth" necklace went to Jana
(well, I was in the mood for mandalas, when I sent my package to her)
What a wonderful (far away) friends I have