vrijdag 28 november 2014

what a friend !

Some people might say that :
Blog-land isn't the real world .....
and that you should stick to friends nearer to "home"
I don't agree with that.

Of course I love my "real life" friends around the corner.
But a lot of times, people I encounter in Blog-land,
become friends,
just as good as the "real life" ones !

It's not the first time that such a Blog friendship/admiration
results in something special
like this swap.
(and it will probably not be the last either)

This time I had a swap with Jana
She makes such wonderful felted flower mandalas
and I love the way she writes
about all the things that move her
in her work and daily life.

Yesterday her package to me arrived
and I was very still after I opened it.

The most beautiful rainbow coloured flower mandala was in it.

And yet there was more

There was a lovely card, packets with seeds, 
a smoke bundle of fragrant herbs,and some homemade fudge.

you made me very happy and privileged person !!!

Because little grandson was there when the package arrived
he loved to take part in the unpacking
and admiring the wonderful soft flower !

His dear knitted bear got a warm blanket

This was my part of the swap

The felted "Earth" necklace went to Jana

(well, I was in the mood for mandalas, when I sent my package to her)

What a wonderful (far away)  friends I have

woensdag 26 november 2014

yes .... still here ...

I know :
it has been very quiet here.
Not a lot of things happening
except for a bit of knitting
(on two projects that should have been finished loooong ago ... )
some reading
and drawing some new mandalas.

the November mandala of our group

and one of the tiniest birds here : the goldcrest

For my Pink Ribbon challenge of last month
we managed to make a donation of
€ 200, -
(we topped it off till this nice round figure)

I sold 14 of my original drawings
(and hope that all the new owners are as happy as I am)

There was only one nasty problem
and something that has never ever happened to me before :
one envelope I send to Germany,
has gone missing 
We waited a long time if it would still arrive
but sadly it didn't !
Though only "the mail" was to blame
I had to find a solution
(and we did .... ha : on the telephone)
I hope this time everything will be allright !

From one of the felters of  the felting-exchange
I got a lovely new red piece

Thanks Margriet
I love the delicate stitching on it !

woensdag 19 november 2014

what about selling ... ?

Aaaaah ...
this is a difficult story ...

Just a few days ago I decided 
NOT to participate 
in this year's Christmas market in our village.

It was a tough decision because I enjoyed 
it very much, these last two years.
It was fun : 
thinking about what to make
meeting all those people
and talk about making one's art
and selling it.

But all this has a down side too.
 I LOVE to make the different things for the market :
it may be felt, quiltlets, drawings, paintings,
(I like a lot of different techniques)
I HATE making my art
as if I'm working on a production line in a factory !
That really is no fun for me !
But at the same time this is the whole problem 
when participating to markets !!!

When people come to you and tell how lovely an item is ...
if ... it was just :
blue instead of green ...
purple instead of red ...
a bit bigger ...
a bit smaller ...
a bit different shape ...
(and so on)

So :
no more market for me this year !

Will I stop making art ?
Another NO
I can't stop being creative !
And I hardly ever think about selling when I'm busy.
But if there ever is something you really would like to "have"
just send me an email 
and we probably can work out something together !
I'm willing to take commisssions too


These two little friends were just adorable

(though big brown brother doesn't seam so pleased to share his throne)


These are some really old drawings I found
(while cleaning through clutter of old times)
I made them for our classroom door
when I was working with pre-schoolers :
our koala class bear was the main character
each time we started a new theme to work on


           "measuring"              and            "floating and sinking"
"the doctor"

and :  "friends" !

These were good memories when I found them again today  ;-)

I'll bring them to my friend and old colleague Ada
so she can use them again for the children
(they are about 50 x 65 cm each)

vrijdag 14 november 2014

a bit of felting (14 - 11 - 14)

It's been a while since I did some felting for myself.

Now a lovely fine piece of woolen fabric
(which I bought especially for felting)
was lying around, waiting to be used.
The "problem" with nuno felting is 
that the wool fibres must be able to migrate through the fabric.
Sometimes it is easy and the fabric sticks to the wool in no time
sometimes it just takes
a LOT of time.

I wanted to test this fabric before
making something big.

Two very thin layers of wool,
and after rolling a bit I started to stitch circles for the wooden beads,
a kind of "shibori" you could say.

It's important to know how much "disappears" ... and the piece after felting.

Drying, but I still have to get the beads out !
(but I know already that the blue will not be very strong on the inside)

After that I did a second try with a gauzy printed cotton

(With this one I took the beads out immediately)

Well, not entirely satisfied,
but learned some things again 

zondag 9 november 2014

a (late) exchange

It's been over a week now since I finished
my Pink Ribbon mandala month.
It may sound silly 
but it was a big challenge,
drawing that mandala every day.
And though I really enjoyed every minute of it
it took the wind right out of me
after the month was over ...
I felt a bit like a collapsed soufflé.

There was no energy left for quite some days,
though I'm very happy to tell that
dear husband sold three more mandalas
in his Italian class 

Don't forget :
there are still a few mandalas that are not sold ...
so go over and check out
if there is something nice for you !
(I'll make my donation to Pink Ribbon at the end of the month)

Though there was a little felt to be made 
for the felting-exchange
I could not get started till yesterday
but, it's finished now and goes to Jolan tomorrow !

The theme was 
"spring fever" 
and I planned to make something with daffodils (long ago)

spring fever


And this was the other was the other bit of simple work
that I fancied this last week

(mmmmmm : over 400 stitches now, and counting ...)

Have a good week
and don't forget to check the mandalas
for more donation to Pink Ribbon