donderdag 19 februari 2015

mommy ...

After the first one 
there HAD to be another one

This one is quite a bit bigger than my first chameleon
so this must be Mommy !
(she's far cleverer with colours,
so she múst be the older one ...)

Here are "mother and child" together

I forgot to tell last time, 
that the "plan" to make such a beast
came from the wonderful CATS pdf 
that Gabi ("Filzkram") made
(in the end it doesn't really matter what kind of animal you make !)

The making of mommy

Though everything seemed all right in the end,
she really had some trouble standing up.
(I didn't make her legs strong enough ... grrrr ...
yes, lots to learn still,
so I made some wire adjustments
which I normally don't use !)

But ....
I can assure you :
she is a very sweet creature !

15 opmerkingen:

  1. Aww, they just get better and better - so lovely

  2. They are both absolutely gorgeous! :-)

  3. What a wonderful pic: the chameleon on your head. Cute all three...

  4. Moeder en kind zijn GEWELDIG!!!
    Zo knap gemaakt Els!
    ( ps.: ik zie geloof ik iets in je haar zitten... ;-)

  5. Bedankt voor je reactie op mijn blog. Wat een prachtig beest, heel erg mooi gemaakt.

  6. Yes indeed: A very sweet creature.
    And a wonderful chameleon on top of her.
