vrijdag 2 oktober 2015

day 2

O yes, 
we still have wonderful sunny autumn days.
Though the sun isn't that high and warm anymore.
So sitting and stitching in the garden
is not what I do,
but behind the glass in the sun is a good spot.

Here is my  Pink Ribbon  jewel  2

a dark blue hollow wet felted brooch
with aqua sequins inside,
embroidered with blue, turquoise and golden speckles
5,5 cm  ( 2.2" ) 


For a donation of   
€ 10, - 
it comes your way,
just send me an email at
to arrange it all.

Let's keep an eye on things    ;-)

All your money will go to the Pink Ribbon Fund

See you tomorrow !

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Ahh, die Piletten innen - ein verborgener Schatz! Du hast klasse Ideen. Auch der 'Seeigel' ist originell.

    Gleich gehts los, bis bald, Birgit

  2. I think I recognize those turquoise sequins 😀
