maandag 22 januari 2018

"night friends"

Here's the finished little painting
(only 9 x 14 cm ,   3.5 x 5.5")
The new fine brushes I bought lately
are just fine for this
(I had some older ones with hairs sticking out : grrrrrrrrr)

Because it is such fun
I started on the next one immediately.

(in progress)

4 opmerkingen:

  1. (((Els))) my favourite brush is Winsor & Newton Series 7 "ooo" but saying that the quality is not quite as good in the last few years

    1. Ahhh ... one could spend a small fortune on brushes, Mo ...
      (my "quality" isn't as good as it used to be .... knees, eyes .... but the "quality of life" still is, HA !)

  2. Liebe Els,
    Dein Bild ist sowas liebevolles. Eulen mag ich eh sehr, aber das Gesamtbild, einfach allerliebst.
    Lieber Gruss

    1. Danke dir, Heidi !
      (momentan ist es Zeichnen statt Filzen ...)
