woensdag 29 mei 2019

flowers !

I always LOVE May in the garden,
spring is really full-blown
and moving towards summer.

Flowers don't last very long
but when you have a whole bunch
you can enjoy them for quite a bit longer !

Though a lot of the higher alliums are "over"
the allium roseum are just beginning

They self-seed very easily and are everywhere,
my kitchen chives is flowering too

The roses are starting too.

But I love my irises best in May !

(Irts germanica and iris sibirica)

And near the water
(they love it there !)

A  "japonica" variery)

(when they're done
the Filipendula rubra will be taking over :
the leaves are already there)

This Tallictrum beauty I got from a friend

and is doing well !!!

Last weekend the pavers were raising the sagging carport at the front ...

but ... the terrace in the back yard needs to be raised too !
But I didn't want that done right now :
we'll wait till autumn !!!

But I hate to loose these !!!!!
(they self-seeded and are doing just GREAT !

zondag 19 mei 2019

19 - 5 - 19

On some days you get more lucky
than on other days :

our Art Market day in Buren wasn't what you call a success.

The new organization didn't run smoothly :
we had to pay there, and wait in a long line
till our name and number were found.
There were not many people to assist in other ways.
Parking and unloading was a mess !
(surely you think about that when you get a hundred cars
in an old fortified town ... ?)

The day had started gray, but soon the sun came out
and while building up the stand
it got really warm
(though the forecast wasn't very good)

Well, our neighbours were nice and we talked a lot and had fun,
but there were not as many visitors as we all hoped
(probably not advertised enough !)

The weather was great
there were drinks and music
(lots of compliments from the public)
but hardly any of the artists had sold much.
So ...
a sunny Sunday
but not a very good one in terms of sales
(next time better)


vrijdag 10 mei 2019


On Sunday next week, May 19
I will be at the art fair in Buren

Buren is a small historic town
just between the two big rivers that run across Holland
east to west (in the "Betuwe")
Buren is called "Oranje-stad" because 
William of Orange (ancestor of our Royal family)
married Anna van Buren in 1551

The art fair is held in the garden of the former orphanage
(now the "Marechausseemuseum")

I finally found a good way to show
my tiny felted birds on small wooden discs

The wren and the long-tailed tit were the first.

And there are more textile necklaces in the making

a blue one and a green / turquoise one.

I still have a hole week !

Near the front door we had some serious trouble
with the sewerage, so that had to be taken care of ...

I really feared for this beautiful shrub
(don't remember the name but it is in full bloom just now !)
so I pruned it considerably smaller ! 

Digging a BIG hole was needed
but :

the man came up with a brilliant solution !

(pfffffffft ... shrub saved !)