woensdag 14 augustus 2019

canceled !

Tonight we just got the message of the organisation that the


due to the bad weather they expect for this Saturday.
Friday is okay, Sunday is okay
and sadly Saturday will be very WET !
Nothing to be done
because they don't have an inside location available.
They might set a new date
but that isn't sure yet either.

Well ...
just keeping on felting

This was number one 

Number two
(with a real stone embedded in the flap)

Number three
(with lovely Wensleydale curls)

All are fanny packs
but the straps are long enough to wear over one shoulder too.

(Number four is on the table)


Daughter has a new family member

He is 12 weeks old
squints a bit with his blue eyes
and is sooooooooooooo  s o f t 

10 opmerkingen:

  1. (((Els))) such beautiful work and the joy of a new kitten!

    1. Thanks Mo, and yes he is such a delightful creature !

  2. So schöne Taschen und dazu noch der Gürtel mit tollen Details.
    Viel Freude mit dem kleinen Tiger, so süß
    Liebe Inselgrüße

  3. Ahhh ja �� squint kannte ich noch nicht, aber das macht ihn besonders. Hat sie ihn tatsächlich genommen, bei euch wird es ihm gut gehen.
    Deine Taschen sind toll!! Die mit den Wensleydale Locken ist mein Favorit!
    Endlich geht’s bald auf die Insel zu den Schafen. Wir freuen uns.

    1. Jaaa Birgit, er ist so süss ! (und bald noch einer !)
      Die Locken fest zu filzen war nicht einfach aber es sieht gut aus, bin sehr zufrieden ;-) Ohhhhh der wohlverdienter Urlaub nach all der harten Arbeit !!!! Viel Spass !!!!

      p.s. die Tomaten und Paprikas wachsen noch immer ... werden schmecken wenn sie rot sind ! Und : die Rose tut's jaaaaaaaa !!!

  4. what delightful little bags those are, shape, size, colours, all perfect. Hopefully the cancellation will give you time to make yet more, so that more pleasure is sent out into the world when you have a chance to sell them.

    Kitten is just gorgeous, but I hope daughter realises where she sits in the pecking order now he is there. He will, of course, be in charge from now on!!

    1. Thanks Kat ! Yes, indeed, I started on another one ... even made matching wrist warmers because I liked the wool so much ;-)

      And yes : the "little prince" is number one !

  5. So sorry! I hope there is a new date for you and your fun creations. I love that there is a rock in that flap.

    1. No Hazel, just heard that the new date wasn't right for a lot of people, so : next year !
      (the rock means no other closure needed !)
