donderdag 25 februari 2021

from failure to something better

My snow-dyeing experiment was fun
but the results were very pale,
in fact you could say :
a total failure.

( I don't know what exactly went wrong,
I will try another time with ice cubes
and look for some more advise.)

folded, with dye powder, with snow.

REALLY pale !!!

why not use this failed piece of cotton
for another go at the Jude Kingshott workshop !

So I outlined the vague forms that were there
and cut lots of little circles
after I first ironed vliesofix (wonder-under) onto the fabric.
I played around a bit with various options
and started stitching the shapes that were ironed into place.

And after a lot of stitching . . .

I got this far
(resting for the moment)

the backside

What fun when you look against the light !


Though it looks already like spring in the garden
the birds still love to come to the feeders.
Some of them are true acrobats :

and while these two are having synchronized fun "in the air"
some others are happy with the mess they make on the ground :

goldfinch as well as moorhen !

10 opmerkingen:

  1. I thought it was pretty before, but you transformed it into a beautiful kaleidoscope view!

    1. ((Hazel)) thanks ! But I would have loved a bit more colour, and it got worse when it was finally dry . . . I will try snow/ice dyeing again :-)

  2. Ich musste gleich an meine Kindheit denken, als wir durch ein Kaleidoscop schauten und immer wieder so tolle Bilder durch schütteln neu entstanden. Eine Eisfärbung kenne ich nur mit Krapp, aber im Winter ist mein Färbehäuschen ja auch geschlossen ;O)
    Ich bin jedenfalls wieder ganz begeistert!!!
    Auch hier ist es gerade so richtig Frühling, die Winterlinge verströmen so einen lieblichen Duft... es könnte auch gern so bleiben, obwohl der Winter vor gut einer Woche auch seinen Charme hatte.
    Lieben Inselgruß

    1. ((Kerstin)) danke dir, und ich HAB noch so einen Kaleidoscop zauberhaft !!! Ich habe mit procion gefärbt, aber das Pulver war schon alt (oder vielleicht hab ich was anderes falsch gemacht)
      Jaaa, Frühling ist schön aber die Freude wegen dem Eis (und Schnee) war gross !!!

  3. Gosh, that did come out pale didn't it? But what a lovely mandala you have created with the results, definitely something better. I've never tried snow or ice dyeing, though I've seen it done on other sites. Do you pre mordant the fabric with soda ash before the main process?

    1. Thanks ((Kat)) when wet is was reasonable but then . . .
      The cotton was pre mordanted with soda ash, yes. The smaller piece was old soft table cloth and had taken the dye better, so maybe the firm cotton wasn't right too

  4. Unglaublich ! Unglaublich schön !
    Herzlichst Angela

    1. ((Angela)) danke schön ! Ich werde es nochmal wiederholen : magisch ! :-)
