dinsdag 7 januari 2025

a start

Ohhh yes, a LATE start, but a start it is !

Is it still okay ?
(hmmm . . . but I do it anyway)

I wish all of my friends out there

We had a wonderful end of December :
a lovely dinner party
(with me wearing my necklace and earrings)
lots of presents, some homemade
(and I forgot to make photos before wrapping and now they're gone)
some stitching started
for Yvette Phillips' wonderful Stitch Club workshop.

The not so fun part of that stitching is,
that my arthritic hands aren't getting any better,
so it takes quite a long time before I'm finished
though now I'm nearly there !

(but now have to wait for some new floss first)

Today was another stitching day
but : in the waiting room of the hospital
(Man had to have another small surgery in Rotterdam,
and yes, all is well)

A few stitches on my Kingfisher
(till thread ran out)
But I had also two more birds to sew together
out of white cotton (old bed sheet !)
They are finished now, but my hands protested in the end.

Tomorrow I will be filling them and then I'll paint them
just like the little Xmas presents !
(will take photo's this time !)

The idea for this came from
Judy Coates Perez
and I'm deeply grateful for that !

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Reacties
    1. ((Mo)) thanks, my new floss has arrived so I can finish it ! Only ONCE saw a blue flash near the water that runs next to our garden, years ago . . . the rest is only photo's from other people

  2. Sounds like your New year is off and running Els! Best to you and yours :)

    1. Thank you (???) Well, I'm not "me" if I'm not making something :-) (the only time I'm not is when I'm reading : one of daughter's thick fantasy novels !)
      (I know blogger is funny sometimes so please add a name next time :-D )
