woensdag 29 april 2015

a bit of everything

I'm still busy with my cuffs,
but because I had to mount one of my "Solstice" quiltlets
on a canvas (it's sold)
I took out my acrylic paints as well today.
(ahhhhhh ... that's been really a long time, but
that will get a follow-up now, I think)

Here are some of my special "Night" cuffs :

three Full Moons and one Starry Night.
Amazing :
the one on the left I made specially for Daughter !
(you can see the delicate thin wrist she has :
always looking for a bracelet .... but hard to find one that fits !)

(ha, one could throw a ball ...)

Because it's school holiday here, the grandchildren 
are here on the days that Daughter is working.
The oldest is quite clever with her phone, Youtube and a crochet hook
(and Granny has some yarn)

This will be an amigurumi Little Bigfoot Bunny ...
and you can see she's skillful in doing her hair too !


Late this afternoon Daughter came in with a sad face 
she had been doing her laundry
and when she opened the machine
she saw to her horrer
her beautiful new felted hat lying on top of everything else
It must have slipped in with the clothes she put in the machine !

She came by so we could put it on the hat mold

The hat was washed
but, thank heavens, it still fitted !
What a relief 

She must have done a pretty good job in the first place !!!

woensdag 22 april 2015

Earth day

Isn't that a bit ridiculous
one day only ?

I think we should be a bit more aware
of what this little blue marble in the vast universe
means to us.

We should be more careful what we do,
what we use up, change, spoil, pollute,
thinking we can go on without end
Earth is very good for us
and we are only part of this vast mechanism called life
part of it

An "Earth" cuff to celebrate this day

(in the making)

and a brooch

And here they are finished


zondag 19 april 2015

colours .....

After I started with the few cuffs I made
out of the boxful of  fabric strips
it is almost as if I can't stop :
I have so many gorgeous fabrics in my (giant) stash !
It is so tempting to make new colour combinatons ...
It's like creating a new little story
over and over again.

The one on the right is finished,
the one on the left I finished late in the evening
because it fits só well to the yellow/green "Spring"sweater
that I wanted to wear to the Stitch'n Bitch yesterday.

Uhhhhm ..... I couldn't help it but had to make
a matching brooch too !

Today I finished of the ones that were only halfway done.
It took a lot of time
but I love them all to be neat when they're up for sale on the market !

Spring, Dusk, Seaglass and Dawn

The finished batch so far ...
(in front of my collection of children's picture books)

(I'm thinking about some earthy colours too to complete it ...)

I can  NEVER  resist taking a picture
when the Prunus (flowering cherry) is in bloom



dinsdag 14 april 2015

quiet ( 69 )

Today I celebrated a very quiet birthday.
No matter what I do next :
even when I stand on my head,
that will not change my age 
69 is 69

Well, sometimes you just don't want the fuss of a  b i g  party,
and this was a time like that.
Just Man, a few dear friends and some family
and LOTS of sunshine in the garden
made it in a beautiful day !


A rather early start with some presents

And the eggs a friend gave (yes, from her own chickens)
made a good lunch.

And of course there was ...

yummy cake !


In the past week I was busy making some good use 
of my box of fabric strips again

vibrant reds and blues and turquoise for contrast

one cuff finished.

(Ohhhhh ... I have still so much more lovely fabrics !)

(to be continued)

maandag 6 april 2015

Easter weekend (and 4 - 4 - 15)

Oh yes, 
spring is definately coming our way !
(though the weather isn't that nice yet)

The weekend started off
with a very lovely 
(loud, according to Man, when he came back)
group of creative women.
(yeah : "praten en breien tegelijk" = knitting while talking)
The group that used to come together at the Alpaca farm,
is this year "on tour" :
every first Saturday of the month at someone else's place.

(a few more to arrive)

A lot of show and tell

My own work (with Fiona's lovely yarn !) but I didn't
do a lot of the lacy-bit stitches this morning ...

On Sunday the whole family had an appointment with the Easter Bunny
and we were glad to have sunshine although
it wasn't really warm yet.

The fun started at th front door : chocolate eggs !

Looking for more eggs in the back garden.

It wasn't easy because the Easter Bunny had done a good job hiding them !

But, with  a little help (of my friends)

And then, when his big sister was making special cupcakes,

the little one was ready to assist !

Mmmmmmmmmmm !

(they were goooooood !)

donderdag 2 april 2015


Pfffffft my cold is nearly over !
So after doing a lot of stitching together yesterday,
I only had to finish one big part today.

I couldn't resist
holding up one finished part to the light yesterday afternoon :
it truly looks like a stained-glass window

Mmmmmm just like the photo in Kaffe's book
(he only used a lot of reds instead of blues)

Here is that same part in the garden.

Mmmmm ...
all this lovely cloth on the floor is very tempting :

three big parts finished yesterday evening late.

And this morning

still more attention for the colourful bits on the floor.


This last photo I didn't want to post yestarday
because then some of you would have thought
it was just something for April fool day,
but it isn't !

This lovely trio is for real
and they are together for years and years now !!!
There is one woman and two males :
the goose being one of the male
When there are swan chicks
the goose has to stand back a bit
(but only a bit !)