zaterdag 6 juni 2015

6 - 6 - 15 ... painting again

before I started again on my small paintings
I had to work on the felting - exchange :
namely a composition of all the pieces
that were send to me during the whole year.

I hadn't succeeded doing so with the exchange
of the previous year, with my "sunny" theme.
This time it was a bit easier
because I asked for 
"a red piece that could be hung" 

I fixed two stumps of old Buddleja wood together
and hung the pieces on the branches.

(if you want to see all the different pieces up close :
just click on the label felting-exchange in the sidebar)

With that task literally out of the way
(and in the mail)
I could go back to my paintings.

There are still two really small one that are 
in their first stage, and I'm still thinking how to continue.

So I took another old canvas
and started hiding what I painted some years ago under a new layer of paint,
and I just love to do an underpainting of red(s). 

Then another layer and rub till some of the red is back.

And once more : stenciling and printing
(the first layers of it, that is !)

Because I wanted to make a big bird,
I made a template of one out of heavy drawing paper.

An impression of the template in place, and after it was removed,

and here it is !

(50  x 40 cm)
(19.7"  x 15.7")


During the very warm last few days
the water lily showed her first flower of the year

in a beautiful pink (but too much sun for the picture)

the Meconopsis Cambrica (that I got from Gabi)

Nigella Damascena

and Iris Sibirica "purple haze"

Sitting in the garden with all these beauties around you 
is a sheer delight 


8 opmerkingen:

  1. oh this is a beautiful post Els, so full of "the muchness" (as the Mad Hatter said to Alice) Nigella aka Love in a Mist or Devil in a Bush is one of my favourite flowers, don't know the Meconopsis (Welsh poppy) doesn't look like it would cope with our searingly hot summers here in the land Down Under we can't grow the Blue Tibetan Poppy here either

  2. your work is always so beautiful. i love the idea of layering over an old canvas....pentimento. your red hanging mobile is just gorgeous.

  3. Wie inspirierend und wunderschön, Els!

  4. Wunderbar, was du aus Farben erschaffen kannst, ganz egal, welches Material, deine Hände verwandeln es! Ein Blick nach links und ich schaue auf eines deiner Mandalas
    Am WE lernte ich ein sehr nettes Ehepaar aus Holland/Winterswijk kennen, er flechtet Körbe und sie klöppelt.
    Mach´s gut, Birgit

  5. Die Farben der Blumen aus deinem Garten scheinen sich in deinen wunderschönen Bildern zu spiegeln..
    Mit herzlichen Grüßen

  6. Du bist eine Künstlerin !
    Wundervoll deine Arbeiten.
