dinsdag 21 juni 2016

Summer Solstice

Yeah well ...
no summer in sight at the moment !
Lots of rain, lots of drizzle,
only a minute of sunshine today.

So that leaves only my own sun

that I've been stitching on today.

I made the initial 20 x 20cm bigger
by adding some more yellow strips around it.
Then came a bit of blue and another fine backing.
(now it's 30 x 30cm)

I wasn't too sure about the blue corners ...
after adding a big circle of my magic thread
I knew how to continue

More blue stitching in between.

Slowly going
waiting for the sun to come out again

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Pretty sun you have! I am sending some midnight sun to you. We have plenty.

  2. Your solstice piece is so beautiful! I recognize that fabulous embroidery. Have a happy summer, rain or shine! xo

  3. Thanks Jokke, Doris and Connie ! Have been sitting and stitching in the sun today ;-)
