zondag 14 mei 2017

a blue day

Yesterday was a
blue day

and ... it was a day full of magic !

Eight ladies and a nice teacher, Elly Poldervaart, explored 
(along the edges of)
the  v a s t  realm of indigo.
(surely that is too much to fathom in just one day,
I think you can study years on that !) 

After the introduction
Elly started making an organic indigo vat,
according to the instructions of "Indigo-guru"
botanist and chemist Michel Garcia

A look inside the magic pot !

We then all started with a length of  thin woolen fabric (etamine)
to fold, clamp or stitch shibori-wise.
(it was very silent then ...)

(totally forgot to take pictures of my own stitching)

We had a good lunch
(although we didn't have "time" for that  ;-) ...)
and started "dipping" after that,
continued stitching, like me

Checking temperature,
checking pH
and putting the first one in.


There it is
yellow, green ... and then slowly

After that ...
it started raining !!!
(and no small drops)
So everything was moved a bit, to the bicycle storage
(Elly's studio is in an old school building)

Slowly, one by one
the magic blue cloths appeared !

Hmmmmmm ...... unpicking the threads
took quite some time and effort !

In the end we could put in
some more items that we brought with us.

Then, too soon, it was time to tidy up and put all the work on the table

Thanks Elly
it was a day of magic !

At home waited Man with yummy lasagna
(another treat !)
and some more rinsing and unpicking

My green silk strip
and ...

moons !!!

What a day ...

BLUE  !!!

28 opmerkingen:

  1. Blue-tiful!
    & do you know of Edward Lear's poem, "The Jumblies"?
    "…Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live;
    Their heads are green, and their hands are blue…"

    1. HA ! Thanks Hazel, don't know the poem, but you would think that I must be a "Jumblie" ....
      (although, might not ... my head's red ... ;-) ...)

  2. lol....blue hands and beautiful, blue cloth!! It looks like you had a lot of fun...

    1. It was fun Karen !
      (wouldn't touch yóúr stuff though ...)

  3. Wat een mooie resultaten en wat fijn om zo samen bezig te kunnen zijn.

  4. Wunderbar! Traumhaft schön geworden! Das hat sicher großen Spaß gemacht, die Fäden aus den Stoffen herauszulösen und das Muster entstehen zu shen.
    Herzliche Grüße

    1. Danke Heidi, ich liebe dieses Blau !
      Die Muster waren eine Überrasschung als sie sichtbar wurden.
      (aber man muss schon aufpassen mit der Schere !)

  5. Traumhaft! Danke dass du uns teilhaben läßt! herzlich Anke

  6. So schöne Bilder Els. Und so schöne Ergebnisse. Da kriegt man richtig Lust.

    1. Es war schon lange auf meiner Wunschliste, Doris ;-)

  7. So ein Farbfieber ! Spannung bis zuletzt.
    Ach, blaue oder grüne oder rote Hände, egal -
    Mit Handschuhen konnte ich auch noch nie arbeiten.
    Feine Ergebnisse.
    herzlichst, Angela

    1. Das Blau ist schon verschwunden, Angela ;-)
      (nein, auch im Garten ziehe ich oft die Handschuhe aus ...)

  8. Fajne warsztaty.
    Kupiłam to indygo dość dawno temu i nie mam pojęcia co z nim i jak tzn. Jak utrwalać. Wiem tylko, że po ufarbowaniu jest zielone a potem się utlenia w cudowną niebieskość.

    1. It depends on what kind you have, Elisabeth ...
      In this vat very simple chemicals were used ...
      (look for Michel Garcia, he found this recipe)
      I will surely try it now myself !

  9. Die Zeichnungen auf den Stoffen sind einzigartig schön! In der Gruppe macht es noch mehr Spaß und man kann seine Ideen spontan untereinander austauschen. Jetzt bin ich gespannt, wie du (besonders die moons ;o) einsetzt.

    1. Ja, Birgit, hab schon ein par neue Ideen für "clamping" ...
      Jaaaa, moons !!! ;-) (obwohl manche nicht sehr dunkel sind ... es war am Ende der Tag ...)

  10. What joy!!! I agree with you about the unpicking though - a little pair of sharp scissors is a must - even if your grandmother told you as a child that if you coudln't unpick a knot you'd never be able to manage your husband!!!

    I had the pleasure of going on a Michel Garcia workshop with Committed to Cloth - it was doubly delightful, first for all we learnt about natural dyeing, but second, just the fun of watching him teach - he is such a character, totally committed to his dyeing practice and like the very best sort of mad scientist complete with French accent.

    Now you have lots of beautiful scraps to play with.

    1. Ha, ha, ha good advice, Kat.
      My scissors were sharp : I snipped in the wool once !

      WOOOOOOOOOOW you did the REAL thing ????? Lucky you !
      I heard (some of the group had been with him too) he's a special person ;-)
      (I think you describe him well !)

  11. Oh treasures! Moons and everything.

    1. (they were GREEN first before they went blue ... ;-) !)

  12. Looks so beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing x

  13. Looks like a really fun day, and worth the blue hands.

    1. It was the first, but definitely not the last indigo-day, Jackie !
