zondag 27 februari 2022

a finished beast

Though a new workshop of STITCH CLUB is waiting,
I first had to finish
my beast !

Today there was only the background to finish
with small stitched circles that echoed the bubble wrap
in the breakdown printing.
I used very light colours, so it doesn't stand out too much
to take the eye away from the dragon.

After I stuffed the feet of the beast anew
(they were blue/green at first but I didn't like that at all)
the only thing left to do was the claws and the eye :
the dragon truly "reborn"



Now on to my next task :
a tiny portrait
. . . . .

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Prachtige applicatie op de mooie ondergrond!

    1. Dank je Hannie, maar geen echte applicatie : er zit een hele laag organza overheen :-) Het is trapunto (lijkt ook op Zaans stikwerk) met vulling tussen de twee lagen.

  2. what a delightfully cheerful dragon, and what an interesting way to do trapunto, with the colours of all you have used for the padding giving such variety and texture. I've never seen it done that way before. Another fine Els piece of embroidery.
    Darling Daughter is currently watching Wheel of Time on Netflix, so perhaps I should investigate :-)

    1. ((Kat)) what normal people throw away (snippets and ends of thread) are used here :-)
      HA : Darling Daughter here did too . . . but much of the book(s) is left out or compressed like always ! (it's her books I'm reading, me having much more time of course :-) !)

  3. inderdaad charming beast ,Els wat knap idee opvullen met draad
