woensdag 17 juli 2024

paper strips

Two weeks ago I finished my work for the Stitch Club
workshop of Daniella Woolf.

She loves grids and showed us how to make our own.
I cut up a calendar photo, coloured paper,
a birthday card and some old music paper.
 I liked my square
but immediately thought I could make something
out of it if I had two more !

The grid itself was rather easy to make
but putting the three together
was rather fiddly !!!

Hmmmm, in this stage I needed THREE hands !

I added some extra smaller (folded) hexahedrons
just like the lucky charms
the DONG-people in China do

Yes, happy with it !

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Just catching up with your posts I am in awe of this, the time it must have taken to get all of those slender bits of paper to line up and create something beautiful. I am even more in awe of your glorious poppies and exquisite orchid. So much talent!

    1. ((Kat)) thanks a lot for your compliments !!!
      Haha lining up the strips wasn't all that hard : putting the three squares together however . . . :-/ (the poppies are now really finished and stitched on a painted canvas)
