woensdag 11 november 2015

11 - 11 - 15 ..... a mandala and more felting

Today was our mandala evening
(with mythical figures this year)
I have to catch up with Persephone
from October on Man's birthday,
but tonight was about the Japanese Benten
and the dragon.

(only the dragon emerged and no Benten)

When I was busy with the felted jewels
that I have to make on commission
there came also some new scissors pouches

( ... "with a little help from my friend ....")

and some more felted jewels

(and busy with another few)

But the day after tomorrow I will go to a new workshop
this time with Katia Mokeyeva !!!

So more serious felting coming !
I'll tell you alllll about it when I'm back !

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Ben heel benieuwd!
    Mooie dingen weer gemaakt Els; de foto van jou met kleine helper is zoooo lief.
    Heel veel plezier zaterdag, liefs van Mirjam.

  2. Ohhhh!!! Du Glückliche, diese Filzarbeiten habe ich schon oft bewundert!
    Ich freue mich auf den Dezember, vielleicht klappt es ja dann mit uns. Bis dahin, Birgit
