zondag 19 mei 2024

new stitched work

Not all the workshops in STITCH CLUB \
were for me the last month.
There were some hospital visits
(over again now) 
and some books to read
and older SC-work to finish.

Angie Hughes' workshop about "Indian memories"
was the start for a new garden-inspired one instead.

Though I started the way she explained,
in the end I removed all the stiff backing
and didn't use any glue (!)
Stitching it all together was much more to my liking !!!

But using stamps to print one's own fabric was fun !

The embossed foil didn't end up in the final piece though.

Detail with the found felt flower
(it never became the brooch that was intended . . .
but now it found it's home here ! )

Hospital-waiting time was great for this small piece,
but it took some time to give it the finishing touch.
Now it's ready to stitch on a painted 20 x 20 cm canvas.
(I started this one when I was nearly finished with the bigger piece
with the Aconites and the Snowdrops)
 The time of those little yellow beauties is long over.
Even the Rowan tree in front of the house has already
lost its delicate white flowers . . .

because it is a "wild" one, from the forest
the berries will all be eaten by the birds, starting in August  !

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Ich hoffe du bist wieder in besserer Verfassung. Viel Gesundheit für dich. Stoff zu bestempeln halte ich für eine tolle Idee.
    Liebe Grüße , Angela

    1. Liebe Angela, danke dir, aber es war Mann und es geht ihn wieder gut ! Stempel schneiden finde ich immer toll ! (einfach Radiergummi, geht prima . . . !)

  2. Love those wild greens! It looks like the river here, minus the cats 😉 Such beautiful work you've been up to!

    1. Thanks Nancy, greens are so soothing ! My garden is a bit wild too, after the many rains lately ! I'm just removing things that are over or growing too wild (and slugs :-( !)
