donderdag 19 april 2012

step by step, stitch by stitch

Oh so slowly, 
things are growing ...
There isn't much to show really,
more to be done yet

The fun part for me
are the tiny pieces that I use
that come from fáááár away sometimes.
(from Jacky, from Jude, from Heike ...)

A lot of time is "lost" by thinking and re-thinking,
placing and re-placing,
which pieces of fabric are best for certain parts of the design

( please : patience, for there is nothing "real" to be seen )

9 opmerkingen:

  1. i love sneak peeks. like that hexagon shaped netting.

  2. These are my favorite kinds of photos...extreme details with much left to the imagination. Lovely to see those stitches so close.

  3. This looks an exciting all of those teeny, tiny bits we like to incorporate, and especially like using fabrics from friends...makes the piece even more special.
    Happy belated birthday too ....

    Jacky xox

  4. Ooooh lovely! Can't wait to see more :) I agree with Jacky, tid-bits from friends are nice.

  5. I enjoy seeing these budding close-ups, Els. xxoo, sus

  6. Heel benieuwd waar je mee bezig bent!

  7. Looks very interesting...:)

    Come over to my blog I put the Mandala and a thank you for you....:)

  8. Ziet er erg interessant uit, Els. Ik wilde dat ik het geduld voor naaien had...Misschien ooit weer? Ben benieuwd naar het resultaat!
