dinsdag 25 september 2012

outdoors and indoors

Last week there was a lot of noise outdoors :
it turned out to be
the noise of a chainsaw
(which makes me nervous most of the time)

Some man were busy on the little island
right on the other side of the water next to our garden.

I looked in terror :
Would they really ? ........ Noooo !
the gorgeous weeping willows

In a devastating trapeze act
the man were decimating the two trees
untill ...

there were only two pitiful remnants instead of
two majestic trees
( "it will be for the best" the Parks Department will probably say ... yuk !)

This tiny creature gave me more fun :

Lissotriton vulgaris (a newt)
he (or she) was hiding with another sibling and mum under the geraniums
(but the picture of the three of them wasn't sharp enough)

And indoors the stitching on the sunny heart piece went on and on ...

After all the "sun rays" were there
(in rainbow colours)
the magic thread was stitched in place.

Which left me only with the invisible basting of the backside

which I did today !

"A warm heart"

will be send of to France tomorrow
 to a very dear friend
(and namesake)

16 opmerkingen:

  1. i can feel the energy in your beautiful piece.

  2. Your heart...this heart radiates love! It's beautiful :) And I can so relate about the trees.

  3. The balance of colours and shapes in your heart is wonderful!

  4. Ein bebendes, schlagendes, fühlendes Herz ist Dir da gelungen, liebe Els! Es wundert mich nicht, dass es auch für die Trauerweiden und für den Winzlingssalamander schlägt. Wie sollte ein liebendes Herz sich vor solchen Bildern verschließen?

  5. Ik heb met spanning en nieuwsgierigheid je werk van het zonnige hart gevolgd....het is werkelijk prachtig geworden.
    Ik wil wel bij jou in de leer......!

  6. Gosh, those willows do look very bare don't they? But Nature will replace, given time and I'm sure they'll look lovely again. As a devoted pruner (though not on this scale) I've watched as the cut stump regenerates; and it always does, probably healthier for the light and air that has reached the centre.
    You sun ray heart is utterly delightful - a particular pleasure to see the reverse as well and marvel at the stitching
    thank you

  7. JUst LOVE that beautiful heart, Els, I want to reach out and stroke it!
    Now, re the trees, don't worry, as Kat says (above) they will do very well after such seeming drastic action. I have seen it over and over again. They seem to need a really sharp chop before they regenerate and are as good as new. Honest!

  8. such beautiful colour here in this heart, I just love it...

    sometimes trees need to be pruned to let the sun in.


  9. Gasp! First at the loveliness of your sunny heart piece which I love love love, and second for the cruel decimation of the willows. best wishes, Els my friend! -sus

  10. Owei, schrecklich, was da mit den Bäumen geschieht,ich kann kaum hinsehen..dafür sehe ich um so lieber den kleinen Molch
    und Dein wundervolles Werkstück!
    Viele liebe Grüße

  11. I love your piece and especially the way you attached it to the back. So creative. Makes me want to pull out scraps and see what I can do. So glad I saw it on Pinterest.

  12. Really, just beautiful work! (I also came from Pinterest) ;)

  13. Stunning work! So inspirational!
