donderdag 20 juni 2013

another bit of synthetic

I like the transparent bit 
of the new stitch-and-burn technique.
(though I have to try to make it even móre tranparent)

The fun part is, that mostly, 
you don't end up with 
what you initially thought it would look like :
a lot of random result

Colours change dramatically with all the added layers

ánd the stitching

Man has been busy too.

... choosing colours

...  tracing the outlines

A clever thing I learned from Jude :
make a copy 
and try out some things with pen on paper !!!

I did already sóme of the stitching ...
Sometimes you get so shaky 
running over the same lines twice
it's best to stop for a while
(to be continued)

8 opmerkingen:

  1. love that it looks iridescent. you're both doing such beautiful work and it's so nice that he was inspired to try the technique.

  2. You are doing some cool stuff over here. It's good to get HIM involves in your crafts - Hugs Nat

  3. Wat ziet het er weer kleurrijk uit, ben benieuwd naar het eind resutaat. Veel plezier.

  4. Unglaublich schön, Els, ich bin sehr gespannt, was Du uns noch alles zeigst!
    Viele liebe Grüße

  5. Beautiful, ce circles have something of Delaunay. Love the colors. Interesting technique - good for suprises.

  6. I love this work, Els. Happy Solstice, sus

  7. Loving the stained glass effects, Els. That Jude does spread her talents world-wide, doesn't she? Incredible woman. Lx

  8. Many thanks for this present I will treasure it, and its great to see the process on your blog XX
