zaterdag 14 juni 2014

a bit more challenge

Due to my work for the market
the last three weeks,
Sara's Challenge came a bit to a standstill

So I had to catch up a bit today.

According to Sara's instructions
there was first a bit of knitting 
(or crochet)
and integrate this into the needle felted page.
I didn't make any halfway pictures
so there's only the finished page.

I took some double sockyarn for the crochet.
Different stitches, and some chain loops at the end of the piece.
The needle felt is thin behind the crochet (left)
and thicker on the right side.

This time I just started with the crochet, and no further plan.
What to do next, what "line" could be there ?
The chain loops made a wavy line so then
"gymnastics with a long ribbon" jumped to my mind !
I'm always amazed, how these girls
make their wonderful exercise
with the loooooong swirling ribbon
without tripping over it !

(A tiny sketch on the back of an envelope to know what the girl must look like) 

And my "pink ribbon" lottery rabbit went in the mail this afternoon

to a new home in Kamperland.

(oops ..... it's already Saturday ... wrong date ...
off to bed  ;-) !)

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Hallo Els,
    Het haasjes is vanmorgen in Kamperland gearriveerd! Dankjewel, ik ben er erg blij mee.

  2. I love your rabbit it very cute!
    I have an octopus that I've been working on it wet felted and needle felted I started it for my son a few years a go. I must finish it before he grows up ;)

  3. Thanks for responding. I have removed the Pages element until I can work out the problem.
    Happy felting!
