woensdag 1 februari 2023

second month !

A month passed in a blur :
going to the shops
and looking after Man
. . .
But for that last bit I can say that things are improving !
Though slowly, things Man is getting better !

Though another workshop (by Cas Holmes)
is already on its way,
I'm still stitching on the big circle
for April Sproule's workshop.

The stitching is done
(as far as I think now)
and I'm attaching sequins, beads and buttons.
right in the center there will be a small silk pompon
(a leftover of my necklace making)
I first thought of adding a felted piece in the middle.
In fact that was the start of the whole design
(but I will keep that one as a brooch
as I originally intended)

A picture taken with the daylight lamp
and not ALL of the piece.
When it's truly finished I will mount it on a 40 x 40cm canvas. 

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Ein Meisterwerk ! Bin restlos begeistert.Wunderschön.
    Liebe Grüße, Angela

    1. ((Angela)) danke dir ! Es war schön daran zu arbeiten Hmmmm, hat ziemlich lange gedauert, und ich werde ein nächstes mal den Hintergrund nicht mir Nähte zusammen sticken, der Nadel ging nicht immer sehr einfach durch !!!

  2. Wow what a beauty (((Els)))!

  3. Heel geslaagde uitwerking. Prachtige kleurkeuze een details. Ik zal die van mij deze week op mijn blog zetten..... was ik nog vergeten.

    1. Dankjewel Conny, inderdaad een heerlijke workshop
      (zoals zovelen bij SC !)
