vrijdag 21 juni 2024

summer solstice (?)

Oh my, I can hardly believe it :
Cold and wet, that's all we can say about it.
(though there are other places in the world
that have a heatwave, right now !!!)

Our garden is GREEN,
though we have some other colours too :
the little rose bush, the foxgloves, many geraniums,
and now also the early phloxes.

I'm not really into this week's Stitch Club workshop
with whites, grays and browns, so I started
on a new background for some flower piece.
(30 x 40 cm)

The reds for the poppies aren't in place yet . . . but collected already.

The first step is stitching all of this,
mostly with some threads from a braid
that I made from a big thread-nest !

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