zaterdag 1 juni 2024

needle lace

 The Stitch Club workshop that I started again with
was by Bridget Steel-Yessop
(it was in fact the second one, but I didn't do the first)
Needle lace has a variety of different stitches
but she taught us one, and stuck to that.

We should first make a square, to learn and try the stitches
then do a more complicated work : an insect with wings !

Adding beads into the work was my own choice
and was really fun to do.

After the lace was completed it was taken
off the temporary background
et voilá : lace !

(my next piece is finished, but needs to be stitched on a canvas 
and then photographed)

For May I still had a task to do for the

Because I was late again I was looking for a way out :
no felting this time !!!
I took my wonderful Karisma colour pencils
and did the task for May :

an animal starting with the letter "H"
extra . . . it hád to be in only black and white

This is an ENORMOUS  Hercules beetle,
the biggest, plus the "horn" that only males have
(which speaks for itself !)
is about 17 cm !!!!!
NO WAY I would pick that one up
. . . . .

But luckily I was just in time yesterday !!!

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Reacties
    1. Thanks Conny ! The lace itself was fun, but attaching the initial guiding lines through the plastic wasn't !!!
      (drawing was always my first love . . .)

  2. Beautiful. Intriqued with the lace. Wish I stuck out stitch club as so many interesting challenges.

    1. Sorry, you forgot your name . . . :-) Thanks, I love the new challenges but it is fun when I can incorporate them in my own work somehow.

  3. Deine Nadelspitze gefällt mir so sehr und bin ein wenig infiziert. Aber ich darf mich nicht so verzetteln, wenn du weißt, was ich meine.....

    1. (hmmmm Angela, gibt es bei dir keine dreissig Stunden im wie bei mir Tag . . . ??) :-D

    2. leider nur 28 Stunden ....:)

  4. I love this work so much, Els! I will follow the projects.

    1. Thank you, Shelley ! (I think my Hercules would trample the delicate setting of your Bug Party and everyone would run away on their tiny feet . . . )

  5. Els bijzonder toch al dat werk door je handen ( en hoofd ) gemaakt , !

    1. Dankjewel, ... (?) Goed creatief bezig blijven houd je op de been ! :-)
