vrijdag 11 april 2014


Today we experienced a sad and emotional day.
My sister-in-law applied for the placing of three
(stumbling blocks)
in the city of Dordrecht
in front of the house where her and my husbands
grandfather, uncle and aunt
had last lived
before they were taken away
and killed in Auschwitz.
Her and my husband's and two brothers'  mother Sofia
survived the war.

She had lived in that house with her father,
two brothers and sister,
their mother had died some years before the war.

She had married just before the war began
and had moved to Rotterdam
where she had her first son
(my husband)
Her oldest brother went into hiding
and survived too.
Her father, younger brother and sister
never came back.
For them
the German artist and initiator of  "Stolpersteine"
placed three little stones
in front of their last home :
for us and everyone else
to remember.

Three great-grandchildren of Meijer De Liver
each gave a stone
which Gunter then put in the pavement

My sister-in-law held a short speech
and a friend finally
said kaddish
for Meijer, Mozes and Rosette



8 opmerkingen:

  1. I was so touched by your story! Thank you for sharing it.

  2. What a marvelous memorial! Is your side of the family Jewish as well? Happy weekend to you, Els! xo

  3. Sad and memorable at the same time. I'm glad I can share it with them. Thanks Els for sharing - Hugs Nat

  4. I am very sad...
    And I am also very glad for the recognition, the remembering and the memories.

  5. What a shoking story... I feel very touched. My great-grandparents went through II World War, too (they were italian) . I´m History teacher and always pay closed attention to Shoa with my pupils. Becoming aware is the only way to make this never happen again.
    This ceremony is such a great way not only to honour the victims, but also to heal the new generations. So, I feel its also a hopeful act.
    A huge hug for you all

  6. Oh Els, what a beautiful, powerful way to honor the memory of your loved ones and keep their story alive. Thank you for sharing it here.

  7. indrukwekkend Els!
    nu snap ik zeker je reactie op mijn blog
    ik heb het op felting your soul wat aangepast
    mooi joh
