dinsdag 21 oktober 2014

day 21

This morning the friend I thought about 
when I made yesterday's mandala,
came and took it with her to her sister in the hospital.
The operation took more than seven hours
but all looks very promising.
X fingers it stays that way.
(I'm só glad it went there !!!)

This week is autumn break so we had
three grandchildren today "to look after"
When the little one was taking his nap
it was soooo quiet :
everyone drawing

When I din't exactly know what to draw
I discovered in the very wet garden
some very brave Nasturtium
fighting the wind and heavy showers ! 

This is Pink Ribbon mandala number twenty-one

"the last bits of summer"

Karisma colour pencils on heavy weight drawing paper  (A5)
the mandala itself is  12 cm  (5")  in diameter.

If you want to have this original artwork 
(or if you want to make it a present for a garden friend)
please send me an email to fiberrainbow@gmail.com
The price is  € 21, -  (+ postage : €1,28 in Holland
and € 2,10 elsewhere)
The money will all go to Pink Ribbon
for breast cancer research

My brave inspiration !

Everyone  drawing :
Man his new colouring book for grown-ups,
grandson making his own comic strip
and granddaughter discovered "zentangle"
(and couldn't stop anymore !)

(see you tomorrow)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Wie schön, so zusammen zu sitzen und ein gemeinsames Hobby zu haben. Eine Gabe, die wohl durch die Generationen weitergegeben wird.
    Alles Liebe, Birgit

  2. What lovely work you are doing here Els and now you have everyone drawing! Creativity abounds!!! I love all your very sweet and lovely drawings. I have twenty more days to go my self and it's the hardest right now because I have too much else going on. Besides saying goodbye to a house and twenty years of stuff that I have either touched or looked at over a one year period, i have guests visiting from out of town. I find my self wanting to head for the hills and the quiet. Have a wonderful day!
