zaterdag 6 oktober 2018

day 6

There were a lot of different things
I could have done today.

Apparently there are days when all sorts of things are planned,
lots to choose from,
but of course you can do only one.

I went to Rotterdam,
did some shopping,
visited my "Stitch'n Bitch" friends,
brought my "Arche" shoes to the shop for repair,
and started when I got home
looking for something I couldn't find this morning :
a tiny piece of fabric with some stitching on it,
a little sea horse.

BUT:  nowhere !!!
I turned over everything on or next to the table :
still nothing !
(the little beast went on an adventure ?!?)
(glad I had a spare jewel ...)

The Pink Ribbon Textile Jewel
for day  6

A dark red pendant.
nuno felt, fabric, stitching and lots of seed beads,
a big glass bead and hanging
on an adjustable wax cord through a fabric bead.
(7,5  x 5,5 cm)
(+/- 3 x 2")

For a donation of

€ 10


this warm red pendant comes to you
(wherever you live)
It might be a lovely addition to a little black dress.

All you need to do is send me an email at
(or leave it in the comment down here)
and we'll arrange everything.

All The money goes to the Pink Ribbon Fund !


Late this afternoon I started on a new seahorse 

Tomorrow I will be here with a new Textile Jewel !

Hope to see you then !

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Zo mooi weer Els!

    Ik kijk met spanning uit naar eentje voor bij mijn verzameling van jou

