woensdag 21 oktober 2020

day 21

and bits of sunshine and some rain :
truly AUTUMN.
The water next to our garden ripples in waves
made by the wind .
The ducks peddle around a bit
but hardly any other birds.

The pendant I stitched today
is connected to the water :
that lively edge that gives our garden just that bit of extra fun.

My PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel
for day 21 :

a wet felted pendant, stitched with silk, on a textile bead
and with an extra tiny felted circle and some beads,
(and a frog charm on the back)
hanging on an adjustable wax cord
(11 x 6 cm    4.3 x 2.3")

For a donation of at least

 € 15,- 


this beauty that rises from the water
can adorn any garment you like.
or it would make a wonderful gift
to s dear friend,
Just send me an email at
and we'll arrange everything needed.
(Paypal is possible and easy
but mind the postage
if you don't live around the corner !)

ALL the money will go to Pink Ribbon !


I hope to see you tomorrow
because there will be another Textile Jewel
waiting for you ! 

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