donderdag 1 oktober 2020

Pink Ribbon . . . day 1

 This is the first day

of my PINK  RIBBON  challenge 2020

Every day there are new patients, women and also men (!)
who have to deal with breast cancer.
They go through fear and hope that this ordeal will stop
and turn into something good, in the end.

For the research into new treatment methods and aftercare
for breast cancer patients Pink Ribbon needs money !

As a former breast cancer patient I know how hard the diagnosis hit,
so I hope to provide support to Pink Ribbon, by making a Textile Jewel
every day of this October month and sell it to one of you,
so in the end we can donate that money !

Here's the  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel for day  1 :

A wet felted flat brooch, embroidered with silk rayon and cotton,
(5.5 cm,  2.2" diameter)

For a donation of

€ 15


this lovely flower brooch can be yours,
a bit of spring the whole year round,
You just need to send me an email at
or leave a comment under this post
and everything will be arranged !
(Paypal is possible and easy)

ALL the money goes to Pink Ribbon !

(rain outside, so the pictures taken inside !)


I hope to see you tomorrow
for the next Textile Jewel !

(after five years that people told me I was way too cheap with my jewels,
I finally raised them to my more normal art market price,
but still : ALL the money goes to Pink Ribbon !!!)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. (((Els))) your work for cancer research is so beautiful!

    1. Thanks ((Mo)) a fresh start . . .
      Hope it will be a success like all the other years ;-)
