donderdag 7 oktober 2021

day 7

Today I turned around my routine :
stitching first, felting later.
 That way I'm sure to have enough time to take the pictures
even if the light is bad.

Though, like every other day,
stitching needs time.
Time to find the right flow,
time to decide what colours,
time to find that special bead or thread I think I need
somewhere in my (huge) stash.

My PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel for day 7 :

A wet felted hollow brooch
in charcoal gray with a hint of brown and a red sparkle inside,
stitched with cotton and wool,
sequins and beads
(6 cm,   2.4")

For a donation of at least

 € 15 


this distinguished gray jewel can be yours.
It would look fantastic on a winter coat or sweater.
All you need to do is send me an email at 
 (or you can say that you want it in the comments
at the end of this post)
Then, everything will be arranged !
(PayPal is possible and easy !)

ALL the money goes to Pink Ribbon !


Hope to see you again tomorrow,
there will be a new Textile Jewel for you !

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