zondag 30 oktober 2022

day 30

In our small garden we have three trees
(and two smaller ones that aren't exactly "trees" yet !)
The biggest (now)
is the Ginkgo biloba
I love it because the tree crown is very open
so it doesn't give too much shade for the rest of the plants.
Right now it starts getting more and more yellow leaves
until the entire tree is a golden glow
just before shedding all that gold to the ground.

No wonder I had to try another leaf !

My PINK RIBBON Textile Jewel
for day  30 :

a wet felted leaf, stitched with cotton, silk and gold thread,
gold bullion thread, some sequins and seed beads
(8,5cm x 11cm (is plus stem)    3.35 x 4.35")

For a donation
of at least

€ 15


this shimmering leaf can adorn your garment,
or you can make it a present for someone dear to you !
Just send me an email at
or tell me in the comments below,
and we'll arrange the next steps !
Paypal is possible and easy.

ALL you money goes to PINK RIBBON !


Be aware this is the second-last PINK RIBBON Textile Jewel
. . . . .
there will be ONLY one more tomorrow !
(then nothing for a whole year !!!)

(Only a few of the older Jewels are still available :

Collecting what I could use on today's leaf

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