woensdag 11 oktober 2023

day 11

The sunny weather of the last days seems over
though the temperature is still way too warm for October,
we're still enjoying that !
Most of the trees still have their leaves in many greens.

Here is my  PINK RIBBON Textile Jewel
for day 11 :

a wet felted leaf brooch, stitched with silk and rayon
and many seed beads
(6 cm,   2.4")

For a donation
of at least

€ 15,-


this vibrant leaf will remind you of summer
even in the cold days of winter !
Just send me an email at
and the following steps can be arranged.
Bank or Paypal
possible and easy
(+ postage)

ALL the money you donate will go to Pink Ribbon !

(hmmm, a little variation : I know, it is basically Greensleeves,
but this jewel would have gone well with her dress !)

Note : I'm still waiting for "day 9" to contact me through email !

I hope to see you tomorrow for another
Pink Ribbon Textile Jewel !

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