dinsdag 31 oktober 2023


What better way the finish my  PINK  RIBBON Challenge
than with a bright sunny Textile Jewel !!!
I liked my new "doughnut-shape" so much
that I felted another one
with lots of yellows in it
I wish everybody LOTS of sunshine in their lives !

My  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel
for day 31 :

a wet felted ring shaped brooch,
stitched with cotton, rayon and silk,
some sequins and seed beads
( 6,5 cm,   2.6")

Fro a donation
of at least

 € 15,- 


this gorgeous bit of sunshine
will make a bright joyful splash
on any garment !
You just need to send me an email at
and w will arrange the further steps.
Bank or Paypal is possible and easy !
(+ postage)

ALL your money will go to  PINK  RIBBON !


This is the LAST of my  PINK  RIBBON Textile Jewels, but

don't forget :

there are still a few of the older days
left for you

day  13
day  21
day  23
day  27

And of course I am STILL  WAITING for
the buyer of  DAY  9  to contact me !!!!!

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