maandag 23 oktober 2023

day 23 (23 - 10 - '23)

Monday again
or should I rather say :
MOONday ?

Well, it takes a few days before the moon IS full
but here I am, a bit ahead of time

My PINK  RIBBON Textile Jewel
for day 23 :

a wet felted (two sided) disc pendant
with a tiny piece of embroidered silk on a silk fabric bead,
stitched with silk, cotton and gold thread
and some seed and bugle beads
and a glass bead at the bottom
on an adjustable homemade cord.

For a donation
of at least

 € 15,- 

this full moon can be yours
to keep or as a lovely gift to someone you love.
You just need to send me an email at 
and we'll arrange the rest.
Bank or Paypal is possible and easy
(+ postage)

ALL the money goes to Punk Ribbon !


The "PHOTO-UPLOAD-TROUBLES" are faaaaar from over !!!
I took the pictures with my phone (so not the best)
and through my email they came to the computer
But I only see the numbers to download and NOT the photo itself
so still a difficult matter !
But : I'm here again
pfffffft !

I hope to see you tomorrow
because Pinktober is still going strong
and there will be a new PINK  RIBBON Textile Jewel tomorrow !


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