woensdag 25 oktober 2023

day 25

Today I had a piece of sea blue felt
that I cut out for a luck box.
It made me think of the sea
and that reminded me of the song of Sweet Molly Malone
(and yes, that stuck to my mind all day long)

Working most of the time with only one strand of cotton
making the tiniest French knots :
shells, sea stars, seaweed . . . a true miniature bit of tide line.
(Pictures are taken with lamplight : late on a rainy day !)

My  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel
for day 25 :

a little felt box, stitched with silk, cotton, some bits of mesh,
a few sequins and seed beads, it closes with a homemade cord
which has a charm of mother-of-pearl.
(5 cm,  2")

For a donation of
at least

 € 15,- 


this lovely box can be yours.
To keep for yourself or to give to some person you love
Just send me an email at
and all the next steps will be arranged
Bank or Paypal
is possible and easy
(+ postage)

ALL your money goes to Pink Ribbon !


There will be another Pink Ribbon Textile Jewel tomorrow
I hope to see you then !

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