dinsdag 17 oktober 2023

day 17

I just realized I'm already in the second half
of my  PINK  RIBBON challenge !!!
Only so many more jewels to go !
And I'm still waiting for day 9 to contact me . . .

Though spring is long over here
(in the Northern hemisphere)
I looked through the photos I took in my garden.
Nigella (Love-in-a-mist such a poetic name) is an all-time favorite,
but there weren't that many this year
so I have to find some new seeds for next year !

My  PINK  RIBBON Textile Jewel
for day 17 :

a wet felted disc pendant, stitched with cotton, silk and rayon
and a flat glass bead at the bottom
on a short metal necklace
(which I can change for a long adjustable cord if you wish)
5 x 6.5 cm,   2 x 2.5"

For a donation
of al least

€ 15,-


this sweet spring flower can be yours
to keep for yourself or give to someone dear.
You just have to send me an email at
so all the following steps can be arranged.
Bank or Paypal
is possible and easy
(+ postage)

ALL your money for this jewel will go to Pink Ribbon !


the start of Nigella

there will again be a new Pink Ribbon Textile Jewel !

For you ?

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